Go Beyond At Home
28-Week Prayer Guide
Church Family, this week we will be praying for those closest to us, our family. We are going to be examining Psalm 20. This Psalm is a prayer for God’s blessing, protection, and victory. It reflects the heartfelt cries of individuals seeking divine intervention and support, particularly in times of need or uncertainty. We are in a battle like David was when he wrote these words, yet our battle is for the hearts of our children and ourselves. The enemy would love to see us fail, but we have the Lord on our side, and He promises victory. Let’s pray together for not just our family but the families next door. Each day, read the entire Psalm but pray for the focused verses listed below.
Week 9
Day 2
April 29
“May he remember all your offerings and accept your burnt offering.“
— Psalms 20:3
REMINDER: Offer up sacrifices of joy and praise to the Lord. Take time to worship Him in spirit and in truth within your home. Express gratitude for His presence and blessings, lifting up songs of praise and adoration.
– Pray for a heart of gratitude and joy, offering sacrifices of praise and worship to God for His goodness, mercy, and faithfulness.
– Pray for ongoing spiritual growth and maturity for yourself and each member of your family, that you may grow in grace and in the knowledge of God.
– Surrender your desires, plans, and aspirations to God, asking for His will to be done in your life and your family’s life, even if it differs from your own.