Wednesday Nights

What We Offer
Spring 2025
January 15 - April 30
6:00 - 7:30 PM
at Central and North Katy
Join us for community and discipleship activities for all ages (birth to senior adults)

Wednesday Night Meal
4:45 - 5:45 PM | Central Campus
We accept cash, checks and credit at the door.
6:00-7:30 PM
Little LIghts
Little Lights is for children 4 years (as of Sept.1) to Kindergarten. We will learn how God is using people around the world to spread their light for Jesus. Through Bible and mission studies we will actively learn how we also have a light to shine for Jesus.
Childcare is offered on Wednesday nights at both campuses for children whose parents are attending an adult class. Registration is available with children and adult class registrations.
6:00-7:30 PM | 1st - 5th Grade
On both our Central & North Katy Campus, our programming for children begins with a WAM Worship Rally and transitions to various Children’s Ministry Programming. See details and a registration link below.
Our Worship Arts Ministry for Kids exists to guide children to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and become lifelong worshipers of God through music, arts, and media. We do this by equipping kids to offer whatever talents, gifts and skills they possess back to God as an act of worship.
Boys of Iron is designed to reach boys for Christ and to lead them individually and collectively toward living an on-mission lifestyle, encouraging them to become respectful men of God. We will also spend time learning foundational Bible skills.
God’s Girls make a difference in the world by teaching girls to live a Godly lifestyle, using their God-given gifts and abilities and understanding God’s Word. We honor God with our attitudes, manners, friendships, actions and our prayer. We will also spend time learning foundational Bible skills.
Collide is our Wednesday night experience for 4th and 5th graders. We will worship, play games, learn about missionaries, hear from special guest teachers, and build community as we grow into guys and girls after God’s heart.
6:00 - 7:30 PM | Central & North Katy Campus
KSM Wednesday Nights are focused on helping students grow as disciples of Jesus Christ and equipping, encouraging, and empowering students to be life-long Gospel-advancing leaders in their homes, schools and communities. The intention behind Wednesday night is to develop student leaders and disciple-makers who will initiate Gospel change and action in the world. Our hope is to challenge students and give them opportunities to put into practice the command of Jesus to go and make disciples.
The Loft (Central Campus) | The Attic (North Katy Campus)

Wednesday nights are a great opportunity to develop community and grow deeper in our relationship with God. We have several classes with a variety of topics. Click the button below for the full class listing and registration links.
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Adult Choir
Central Choir
Rehearsal 6:30 - 7:30 PM Central Campus | The Chapel
Choir meets Wednesday nights for practice in The Chapel and leads worship Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM and 11 AM.
North Katy Choir
Rehearsal 6:30 - 7:30 PM
North Katy Campus | Worship Center
Choir meets Wednesday nights for practice in The Worship Center and leads worship on select Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM and 11 AM.
Special Needs
6:00 - 7:30 PM | Central campus only
Kingdom Crew
Join our kids and teens classes designed for those with Special Needs as we learn about missions around the world.