Go Beyond At Home
28-Week Prayer Guide
Our life-giving God is the author of all spiritual life. The Lord’s deepest desire for his children is to live in total and joyous dependence on Him. Even those who are born again and part of Christ’s family have the propensity to drift away from a close relationship with God and into indifference and lifeless lethargy because of our active rebellion or passive apathy. Revival starts with understanding our desperate need for God’s intervention in our personal lives, hearts, homes, relationships, church, and community. It starts when we cry out to God and ask Him to revive us.
Week 8
Day 6
April 26
“Go and inquire of the Lord for me, for the people, and for all Judah about the words in this book that has been found. For great is the Lord’s wrath that is kindled against us because our ancestors have not obeyed the words of this book in order to do everything written about us.“
— 2 Kings 22:13
REMINDER: Seeking God’s voice in His Word can bring a fervor to live, pray, sing, work, serve, and worship. When God draws us near it produces a profound reverence and awe, a fresh awareness of His holy presence. Pursuing God’s heart in His Word will saturate our minds and move our conversations from sports and weather to gospel wisdom to bless our community. When God brings revival, there is a restored sense of the fear of the Lord, a commitment from His people to be His hands and feet. Also, our communities experience healing through Spirit-filled people loving their neighbors and living as we profess.
– Ask our Lord to restore marriages and families in our community.
– In prayer, let’s cover our Children’s Centers, Elementary through High schools.
– Pray for strongholds that are dragging our community to brokenness and sin (addictions, co-dependency, and abuse).
– Pray for the Lord’s mighty intervention in every block and neighborhood of our area, starting right where you live.