Go Beyond At Home

28-Week Prayer Guide


Our life-giving God is the author of all spiritual life. The Lord’s deepest desire for his children is to live in total and joyous dependence on Him. Even those who are born again and part of Christ’s family have the propensity to drift away from a close relationship with God and into indifference and lifeless lethargy because of our active rebellion or passive apathy. Revival starts with understanding our desperate need for God’s intervention in our personal lives, hearts, homes, relationships, church, and community. It starts when we cry out to God and ask Him to revive us.

Week 8
Day 4

April 24

Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

— Galatians 6:2

REMINDER: Only God’s Spirit, through prayer, can lead us into meaningful relationships. A revived believer can foster a blessed and healthy environment when relating to others. It takes great courage and love to approach a close person and restore a damaged relationship. We can start by identifying what needs to be fixed, taking accountability, clearly and assertively communicating our disposition to improve our relationships, setting healthy boundaries, and praying for healing and restoration.


–  Ask the Lord to reveal to you those damaged relationships. Pray for courage and humility to take the initiative. 

–  Pray that God can open doors for meaningful conversations as the first step in the restoration process.

–  Also, pray for wisdom to set healthy boundaries in every broken relationship.

–  Pray for peace and healing that would bring about revival. 

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20555 Kingsland Blvd
Katy, TX 77450

North Katy

24111 Stockdick School Road
Katy, TX 77493