Go Beyond At Home

28-Week Prayer Guide


Our life-giving God is the author of all spiritual life. The Lord’s deepest desire for his children is to live in total and joyous dependence on Him. Even those who are born again and part of Christ’s family have the propensity to drift away from a close relationship with God and into indifference and lifeless lethargy because of our active rebellion or passive apathy. Revival starts with understanding our desperate need for God’s intervention in our personal lives, hearts, homes, relationships, church, and community. It starts when we cry out to God and ask Him to revive us.

Week 8
Day 2

April 22

Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my concerns. See if there is any offensive way in me; lead me in the everlasting way.”

— Psalm 139:23-24

REMINDER: The Psalmist prays for God to pierce his heart and know his concerns. This prayer expresses the soul’s intimacy and disposition to be searched and tested by God and restored and blessed by the sovereign Lord. Once we take the first step of surrender, God fans the flames of personal devotion to Christ that translates into constant self-examination and confession, a death to self-interest, a craving for God’s word and prayer, a joyful focus on the cross, and an eager anticipation of God’s mercies and glorious works.


–  Invite God to search your heart, be honest if you need to confess anything, and repent.

–  Thank the Lord for His love for us and His daily grace.

–  Accept God’s invitation to pray for your heart’s revival.

–  Thank the Lord for His promise of the Spirit’s presence as He guides you in a search for a revived heart.

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20555 Kingsland Blvd
Katy, TX 77450

North Katy

24111 Stockdick School Road
Katy, TX 77493