Go Beyond At Home
28-Week Prayer Guide

Church Family,
Thank you for joining me on the journey of 28 weeks of prayer as we seek to “Go Beyond at Home” here at Kingsland.
This is an incredible time in the life of Kingsland as we seek God through 28 weeks of intentional, guided prayer, asking Him to move in our hearts, home, church and beyond.
Our Pastoral Staff are writing specific prayers each week to lead us into a deeper dependence on God. Our prayer is that God will do a work in our hearts through these 28 Weeks of Prayer and prepare us, help us understand His vision for Kingsland, and do what only He can do through the people of Kingsland!
Pastor Ryan
Acts 17:28a “For in Him we live and move and exist [that is, in Him we actually have our being],”…
Who are you? What is your identity? Where is it found? How you answer these questions will directly affect the way you live out each day of your life & the legacy you leave. Where you look for these answers will either bring you to the Truth and provide rest for your soul, or unnecessary confusion and what some would call an identity crisis. Embracing our true identity as revealed in the Scriptures brings honor and glory to our Creator. The apostle Paul reminds us that in Christ we are new creations; the old is gone and the new has come. We have been given the opportunity through the pages of the Bible to know the One in whose image we have been created and in whom we actually find our very existence. This week we’ll pray through powerful truths from God’s Word that will both inform and reveal our true identity.
Week 5
Day 2
April 1
“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a [special] people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies [the wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections] of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light (AMP).”
— 1 Peter 2:9
REMINDER: As a chosen son or daughter of the King of Kings, there is literally a night and day difference between what our life was like before and after placing our faith in Christ alone for salvation. You have been called and sanctified (made holy, consecrated, set apart) for one primary purpose. Believer, you have been given a special place and divine role in God’s royal family! So, let’s speak and live as children of the Light – set apart from the darkness of this lost world, to celebrate daily the goodness and faithfulness of our heavenly Father.
– Express your gratitude to Jesus for rescuing you from darkness and bringing you into the light and fellowship of His eternal presence. Take a minute to celebrate the joy you’ve experienced being part of God’s forever family.
– Ask the Holy Spirit if there are any “dark” or hidden areas of your heart or life where you might be resisting His sanctifying and cleansing work; then confess them.
– Give thanks that the foundation of your identity is being child of God. Declare that you belong to one nation (one family) – a people who have chosen to serve King Jesus who delights in us and has given us the power to overcome darkness with the light and love of the gospel.
– Ask the Father to continue to show you what it looks like practically to live a “set apart” life, having an identity rooted in His holiness and surrendered for God’s glory alone.