Go Beyond At Home
28-Week Prayer Guide

Church Family,
I’m deeply grateful for all who are joining me in this season of earnest prayer for God’s blessing of Kingsland, and for wisdom and provision as we seek to follow God’s leading. This week, as we transition from the Beatitudes of Matthew 5, let’s pray out of the final “blessing” shared by the Lord: we need His power to face opposition from a culture that is averse to the things of God. As the culture continues to move further from the standards God has set forth, the differences in our own beliefs and the prevailing beliefs around us will have a greater contrast. Let’s pray together for wisdom, strength, and favor with those same neighbors as we seek to share the truth in love.
– Pastor Ryan Rush
Week 2
Day 2
March 11
“Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.”
— Romans 12:2
REMINDER: God has called His people to stand out from the crowd. We are supposed to be conformed to the image of God rather than the ways of our environment. For us to have the impact to which we have been called, we must invite the Lord to continually change us and mold us.
– Thank the Lord for showing us a better way to live than what the world has to offer.
– Invite God to show you any aspect of your life that is being shaped into the image of the culture instead of the image of God. Confess those areas and ask the Lord to draw you into a better way.
– Our transformation comes from the renewal of our minds. Ask God to change our minds, and to give us the power to experience the mind-change we need.