28-Week Prayer Guide
Church Family,
This week, we will be praying about God’s voice. Some of my most profound times with our Lord have been when He has spoken to me as I listened. One way to hear His voice is through His word, and Scripture is rich with the power of His voice. Sometimes, it can come in a whisper, like in 1 Kings 19:12, or majestic, like in Psalms 29:4, where it thunders over the mighty seas and splits mighty trees. Join me praying for His voice to reveal more of His character this week as we sit in His holy presence with rapt attention.
Week 27
Day 3
“She went and told the man of God, and he said, ‘Go sell the oil and pay your debt; you and your sons can live on the rest.’“
— 2 Kings 4:7
REMINDER: This widow said she had nothing at all except a little oil. What a great God we have! Our definition of what we own does not limit Him. God is able to do so much more than we can imagine or perceive.
– Praise God that He can exceed our expectations.
– Thank God the small things He uses every day to glorify His name.
– Ask the Holy Spirit to show you your smallest blessing and how it changes the world.
– Ask God for you to use it to bring others the peace of following Jesus Christ.