Go Beyond At Home
28-Week Prayer Guide
Seeking his voice
Church Family,
This week, we will be praying about God’s voice. Some of my most profound times with our Lord have been when He has spoken to me as I listened. One way to hear His voice is through His word, and Scripture is rich with the power of His voice. Sometimes, it can come in a whisper, like in 1 Kings 19:12, or majestic, like in Psalms 29:4, where it thunders over the mighty seas and splits mighty trees. Join me praying for His voice to reveal more of His character this week as we sit in His holy presence with rapt attention.
Week 27
Day 1
September 1
“Then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night. They will serve as signs for seasons and for days and years.’“
— Genesis 1:14
REMINDER: Our Creator spoke the seasons into being. The movement of the seasons is by His design. Those seasons are perfectly placed for rest and growth. You have been created with the same perfect seasons in mind. When a season of rest comes, it can look like nothing is moving, but this time of stillness allows for growth in its perfect time. While Jesus was on earth, he chose to move in a different direction than most wanted him to go. Both God and Jesus set a pattern for us to live by.
– Thank God for His perfect design.
– Give God your calendar and seasons.
– Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal where you are holding on to what should be let go.
– Thank God that He is a God that wants you to rest well.