Go Beyond At Home

28-Week Prayer Guide

scripture reading

Hello all. I am so grateful to be able to share this week’s prayer guide with you. This week we continue to focus on spiritual disciplines, and specifically the practice of Scripture Reading. When you hear the word “Bible Study,” what comes to mind? Maybe you think of the captivating or inspiring Bible studies you have heard taught. Maybe you think of a time when you were studying the Bible on your own and felt alive and fed. But I am guessing most of us are carrying around with us a vague sense of guilt about not studying the Bible more. We know we should, but we don’t. The reasons we give are manytoo tired, too busy, too whatever. Chances are we even feel bad about our excuses. The truth is that we find the Bible confusing, don’t know how to read it, and so we go to someone who does or turn to something easier to digest. We are like people going grocery shopping in a foreign country. We don’t know what any of the labels say and can’t figure out what anything is, so we leave befuddled and go to the nearest McDonald’s for some already made, less-confusing food even if it isn’t as nourishing as we would have liked. My hope is that this week we will rediscover the joy of hearing God speak by reading His Word.

Week 26
Day 5

August 29

Your words were found, and I ate them. Your words became a delight to me and the joy of my heart, for I bear your name, Lord God of Armies.”

— Jeremiah 15:16

REMINDER: Have you ever sat down to a meal that didn’t look all that great at the beginning, but after a few bites, you realized that it was delicious? Have you gone on a trip to a place where you couldn’t get your favorite food, and all you could think about was getting home and back to your favorite food? In this passage, Jeremiah reminds us that God’s Word is supposed to get into our whole being. It is supposed to nourish us and sustain us. When we consume it, we will start delighting in it, and we will begin to identify with its Author. 


Father, as I read Your Word, I pray that I would develop a voracious appetite for it and that it would fill me with delight. Forgive me for the times I have sought other food and delighted in other things. May Your Word become the joy of my heart. As I read, remind me that I am Your child and that I bear Your name. I pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

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