28-Week Prayer Guide
Each of us has a purpose in God’s plan. God makes it evident through His Word that our purposes go beyond selfish limitations into serving others in many different ways. This week let’s hear from the Lord through Scripture and prayer as we consider how we can give more of ourselves to serve Him.
Week 25
Day 5
“Each person should do as he has decided in his heart – not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver.“
— 2 Corinthians 9:7
REMINDER: Here we have clear direction of what God loves: a cheerful giver. Someone who gives not because of pressure or because of how it looks to others, but because it brings them joy to give. How can we achieve this goal? By making a plan. By deciding how much we are to give and then do it in obedience. We can know that our gift is received by a God who loves us and delights in what we have to give!
– Ask God to give you a heart of generosity and experience the joy of giving.
– Confess anytime you have given with a heart that is not cheerful.
– Thank God for the work that is done from what you give.