Go Beyond At Home

28-Week Prayer Guide

Spirit-led community

This week we will be focusing on spirit-led community, one of Kingsland’s core values. Here at Kingsland, we value authentic community that extends out of our personal relationship with Jesus, and the Spirit-filled life to which we are called. We realize that true community happens naturally when we are fully, mutually dependent on the Lord. Bearing one another’s burdens, edification, mutual intercession, and corporate worship are the tools God uses to connect our hearts. Most importantly, we acknowledge that the most foundational purpose for our worship is that God is worthy to be sought by His People. 

Week 15
Day 2

June 10

Now as we have many parts in one body, and all the parts do not have the same function, in the same way we who are many are one body in Christ and individually members of one another.

—  Romans 12:4-5

REMINDER: We are generally comfortable in acknowledging that we belong to a church. It simply means that we are a member of it. But Paul goes beyond that and says we belong to each other. If you are a disciple of Jesus and a member of His church, then I belong to you, and you belong to me. Belonging to another implies service. And, as Paul goes on to say, God has gifted us to serve each other. God has gifted me to serve you. And He has gifted you to serve the other body members, including me. The importance of belonging to and serving each other cannot be overstressed. The health of the body and its members depends on each of us faithfully doing our part. 


– Invite God to show you where you belong in the church/where you can serve faithfully and support the health of the church. 

–  Thank the Lord for gifting everyone with different abilities so that we can serve and love each other well. 

–  Pray that the Lord will convict those who are sitting on the sidelines and place a desire on their hearts to find their place to belong. 


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20555 Kingsland Blvd
Katy, TX 77450

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24111 Stockdick School Road
Katy, TX 77493