Go Beyond At Home

28-Week Prayer Guide


Church Family,

I’m deeply grateful for all who are joining me in this season of earnest prayer for God’s blessing of Kingsland, and for wisdom and provision as we seek to follow God’s leading. This week, we have the opportunity to pray for marriages in our congregation – and if we are married this is a great opportunity to pray for our own marriage. May our church be strengthened by the growth of healthy marriages!

Week 12
Day 2

May 20

“Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either fall, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up.

—  Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

REMINDER: God does not intend for us to do life alone. From friendships to marriages, God has provided those in our life to help us navigate the ups and downs we encounter. Today’s Scripture passage reminds us that we are to share rewards and burdens with those we love.


–  Thank God for the friends and family in your life.

–  Ask God how you can be an encouragement to your spouse today.

–  Pray that God would give you opportunities to deepen your “friendship” with your spouse.

–  Thank God for the gift of your spouse.

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Katy, TX 77450

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Katy, TX 77493