Go Beyond At Home

28-Week Prayer Guide


Each of us as parents have undoubtedly prayed for our children.  Sometimes these prayers are a quick on the go prayer as we are driving to work and sometimes these prayers are literal times on our knees asking for our kids salvation or for them to make wise choices.  Undoubtedly all of our kids, like us, will make choices that are sinful and could turn their attention away from Jesus.  If and when our children do make a choice or choices that are not God-Honoring it is easy for us to have a knee-jerk reaction or to tell them what they should have done differently.  During these times it can be easy for us to turn all our attention to our kids acting right or behaving.  But what should the posture of our hearts when we see our kids making choices that we know are going to wound them?  I heard someone once say, “Control is an illusion”. During this week of prayer I want us examine our hearts and spend time handing control of our lives to Him, even our kids lives.

Week 11
Day 2

May 13

“For I am persuaded that not even death or life, angels or rulers, things present or things to come, hostile powers, height or depth, or any other created thing will have the power to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord!

— Romans 8:38-39

REMINDER: All our children, like us, will make bad choices at some point in their lives. The enemy wants to use our choices and feelings to separate hearts and minds from the truth that God loves us even still. Brennan Manning once wrote “God loves you as you are, not as you should be.”


–  Spend a moment thanking Jesus that nothing can separate us or our children from the love of God.

–  Ask the Lord to place constant reminders in your children’s lives of His love.

–  Ask the Lord to help your children make wise choices and to repent when they don’t.

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Katy, TX 77450

North Katy

24111 Stockdick School Road
Katy, TX 77493