Go Beyond At Home
28-Week Prayer Guide
Friends, thank you for your commitment to pray as a community for 28 weeks. I am thrilled to bring you the week of Kingsland’s VBS. We will be praying for our church community as we minister to over 1,400 children this coming week. Our prayers will center around what they will be learning each day, so that you may appropriately pray for each of their hearts to understand and to learn more about their Savior, Jesus Christ. Will you join me as we pray for these children and volunteers as they learn to recognize the difference between what the world says is true and what God says is true? We will challenge the children to know that God’s truth never changes—even when it’s radically different from what some people say.
Week 16
Day 6
June 21
“But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into him who is the head—Christ.“
— Ephesians 4:15
REMINDER: Our culture may fill us with righteous indignation or outright anger. We may feel belittled, criticized, or ignored. We may even be told that we don’t love someone because we don’t agree with everything the person says or does. But ultimately, we answer to God. We must not waver from the truth He clearly teaches in His Word. We can stand firm with the controlled strength of gentleness and speak words that come from a heart of love.
– Thank God for the foundation of His love and Truth that we can stand on. Thank God for all the volunteers and staff that poured into VBS this week.
– Ask for God to help you in difficult discussions with people.
– Invite God to reveal those people to you that need prayer and a softening of heart to hear God’s Truth.
– Pray for the children that have attended VBS this week as they go home to their families. Some may not know the Lord or may balk against the Gospel. Pray for open minds, listening ears, and that the Holy Spirit would speak through the children to reach their families.