My Gifts, My Schedule, My Service
“As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” –Joshua 24:15

“Kingsland has been around for 46 years! The North Katy Campus has been around for nearly 6 years. The reason we get to enjoy many of the blessings we do now is because of people who made great sacrifices early on for us to be here! And the same holds true today: if we’re to see amazing things happen in the future of Kingsland, there will need to be some significant sacrifices by all of us today. I’m asking you to take a step of faith in three areas–my gifts, my schedule, my service.”
My Gifts
When we give financially to the Church, it’s more than an economic decision. Throughout the Scriptures, the Lord demonstrates that our hearts and our investments are closely related. This fall, let’s invite God to help us take a step of faith in our giving. For some, that may be becoming a regular giver to Kingsland – either weekly, or as the Lord provides (when you get paid). For others who already give weekly, that may be a step of increasing the percentage of your income you’re giving to the Lord’s Work.
My Schedule
My Service
As members of the Body, we are commissioned to use the spiritual gifts God has given each of us to minister to others. That means if any believer is sitting on the sidelines, the church is missing out on his or her gifts!