ESL Classes and English Conversation Practice

Kingsland Baptist Church offers English as a second language courses.

English Classes- English as a Second Language (ESL)
Kingsland Baptist Church offers English as a second language courses. Our ESL classes will help people who speak other languages use English and develop their speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. This spring, we offer 7 classes with seven different levels of English, starting with level intro (which is the most basic), up to a class preparing for the Cambridge examination called First Certificate (advanced level).
The classes are offered on:
Monday mornings from 9:30- 11:30 (Jan. 13th – May 19th)
- Level 1 (Spanish Speaking Only)
- Level 2
- Level 3
- The First Certificate Level
Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:30 (Jan. 14th – May 20th)
- Intro (Spanish Speaking Only)
- Advanced 1
- Advanced 2

Phonics Class (Supplement to the ESL Program)
Kingsland ESL Phonics, where students learn the basics of English alphabet pronunciation, word recognition, and grammar in a casual, activity-based format led by a native English-speaker. No exams are given, and each week features new sounds, skills, and vocabulary lists. This class is supplementary to the certified Levels curriculum but is not required.
- Meeting day/time: Thursday mornings, 10-11:30 am.
- Starting date: Jan. 9th
- Resources: Bible stories and applicable common topics
Class is $30 per semester (materials included)
Restricted enrollment: 12 students Max.
The registration has Closed for Spring

English Conversation Practice
English Conversation Practice
Kingsland Baptist Church also offers English one-to-one conversation practice program using Bible related materials. Participants must be able to understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
English Speaking Level Requirement: Intermediate, upper-Intermediate English-B2 level required.
Starting Date: Jan. 27th, 2025 (Mon.-Fri. mornings)
- Helps you practice and improve your English through conversations using Bible-related curriculums.
- 1-to-1 setting
- Meet weekly for one hour with an assigned volunteer.
- Gain a new friend!
This program is $20 per semester (materials included)
If you are NEW to the program, please contact us first before register.
The registration has Closed for Spring