CFK Leaders
Caring for Katy
February 23, 2025
Thank you for leading your Community Group in Caring for Katy 2025 by SERVING THE PURPOSE OF GOD!
After you’ve chosen your project(s), please register your selection by using the link above. This form helps us keep all information in one place. Thank your for your help and for moving in the direction of people in need.
Above find a link to easily view the projects that other community groups have registered for.
Preschool bible study will be for a birth through PreK from 8:30 AM until noon at Central Campus, We will be doing a lesson, music, crafts, snack, and mission activities with our littles that morning. Please register using the link provided. Once your children are in their classroom, please proceed to your group’s meeting area or worksite. Please make certain that you pick up your children promptly at 12:00 PM.
If you assign someone else to pick-up your child, please make certain that the person you assign to pick up your child has the tag that corresponds to your child’s tag. In the interest of protecting your child, we cannot accept cell phone permission.
Please register using the link above.
Made a purchase with your card and need a reimbursement? Please submit your receipt using the link above. Kindly print your name, write the word reimbursement and your Community Group name on the receipt. Please note the Finance Office does NOT reimburse sales tax. Use the Sales Tax Exemption Form link when you are making your purchases. Please advise the cashier that your purchase is tax exempt BEFORE he/she begins your transaction.
When: Sunday, February 23rd
Time: 9:00am – 11:00am
Where: Faith West Academy Gymnasium
CFK Shirt Sale
Purchase Caring for Katy shirts on Sunday, February 9th and Sunday, February 16th 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM for $5 each at both campuses.