30-Day Devotional
DAY 22
february 20
“Learning to love is learning to live. It is becoming fully human. It is nothing less than the reason for our existence. In it alone do we find our deepest fulfillment. For if we find love, we find God. And if we find God, we have found love.”
— David Benner
“beloved, let us love one another, for love is from god, and whoever loves has been born of god and knows god. anyone who does not love does not know god, because god is love.”
1 john 4:7-8
How has the unconditional love of God in Christ changed you? Do you know that God really loves you, just as you are, not as you aren’t? That it really is by grace that you have been saved, and that this is the only way God saves people, by graciously loving them into His Kingdom. Before we can ever share the gospel with others, we must experience it for ourselves. We must know God’s love. John goes on to write in his first letter that we love, because God first loved us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him. Let’s remember to abide in God’s love today, before we attempt anything for Jesus!
1. Lord give us eyes to see and ears to hear your loving invitation to live from your love today. 2. Lord help us to love well. To be reflections of your love and truth to the world around us, that many people might come to know you!
1. Lord help each person and family on my list to come to know that you are love and you desire a relationship with them. 2. Lord, please deliver each person on my list from everything and anything that is keeping them from knowing you personally.
Written by Pastor Geoff Bynum // The Vineyard Church of Katy